Q & A

Questions & Answers

What will I be learning in English class?
Fifth grade English is made up of three basic components: Vocabulary (Membean), Grammar & Punctuation, and Composition.

How much will each component be worth in terms of my overall grade?
Each component will be worth one-third of your English grade.

What are the end-of-the-year goals for each student in this class?
After completing the fifth grade English course, each student should:
(1)          demonstrate an increased vocabulary by applying and
         recognizing new word meanings in various contexts
(2)           have a solid grasp of the eight parts of speech
(3)    have a basic understanding of diagramming
(4)    exhibit proficiency in constructing sentences and
(5)    effectively analyze their writing and the writing of others
(6)    demonstrate growing confidence as a writer
(7)    develop an appreciation for the daily practice of writing

What are the classroom rules?
There are three classroom rules:
(1)            Be on time.
(2)            Be prepared.
(3)            Be respectful.

What should I have with me every day in class?
You should always have your iPad, humanities binder, writing journal, and zippered pencil bag (highlighter, sharpened pencils, blue pen).

What happens if I turn in an assignment after the due date?
Points will be deducted for late work unless due to an illness or other extenuating circumstances. The teacher reserves the right to make exceptions on a case-by-case basis.

What about missed work?
It is the student’s responsibility to make up any missed work. Your teacher will advise you as to when the missed work is due.

What can I do to get extra help?
Tutorials are provided after school each day. On Mondays and Fridays, tutorials are from 3:00 – 3:30. On Tuesdays through Thursdays, tutorials are from 3:00 – 4:00.

Writing is not my favorite subject, and I’m a little worried about not doing well. Do you have any advice?

In fifth grade, you will be learning about the elements of writing and the step-by-step approach of the writing process from pre-writing through publication. You will become a successful writer through daily writing practice, daily lessons, collaboration with peers, and daily effort. Your teacher is there to help you. Don’t be afraid to ask.